Erectile dysfunction – is viagra the only option?

Following a recent announcement from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), men will no longer require a prescription to obtain the impotence drug Viagra and will instead be able to buy it over the counter at pharmacies.   This is likely to appeal to many men with erectile dysfunction (ED) as it is often […]

Candidiasis – Myth or Reality?

Candida is a fungus, which is a form of yeast.  A very small amount of candida lives in our mouth, gastrointestinal tract, birth canal, skin and lungs.  Increasingly more and more patients inquire about being tested for candida overgrowth, candidiasis or leaky gut syndrome. Traditional doctors steer away from such diagnoses rightly or wrongly, but […]

The male menopause explained

What Is The Male Menopause? Age related testosterone deficiency and the ‘male menopause’ are conditions that are now receiving significant attention from the media and doctors alike. The term ‘Male Menopause’ refers to the symptoms associated with the gradual reduction in testosterone levels experienced by the ageing man that leads to a testosterone deficiency and […]