Mr. Ahmed Mustafa

Mr. Ahmed Mustafa

Primary Specialty
Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon

MBChB | Msc | FRCSEd

Location: Aberdeen

Professional Profile and Experience

At Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Ahmed Mustafa practises as a Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon. Mr. Mustafa underwent basic surgical training in Edinburgh and Fife before accepting a position as a one-year Research Fellow at the University of Dundee’s School of Surgery and Molecular Oncology. Afterwards, higher surgical training with a focus on Oncoplastic breast surgery was completed at Western General Hospital in Edinburgh and Ninewells Hospital in Dundee. 

Mr. Mustafa earned a merit-based MSc in Surgical Science from the University of Kent throughout this course. 

In 2013, Mr. Mustafa was hired as a Consultant Surgeon at Borders General Hospital in Melrose with a focus on Oncoplastic breast surgery. He served as the director of the NHS Borders’ breast cancer services at this time and performed Oncoplastic Breast Surgery at Spire Murrayfield Hospital in Edinburgh before relocating to Aberdeen Breast Unit in 2020. 

In Mr. Mustafa’s spare time he enjoys photography and painting and enjoys the relaxation of fishing. 

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