Pregnancy Scans


Whether you are looking to confirm your pregnancy, or progress scan for reassurance, our experienced sonographers are here to help. Our early pregnancy ultrasound service is run by our Consultant Midwife & Fertility Specialist.  

We are dedicated to convenient and timely care, and endeavour to provide patients with same-day appointments providing a detailed written assessment and electronic link to download the high-quality images direct to your PC or Laptop. 

We accept self-referrals in addition to referrals from National and International Fertility Clinics for baseline assessment and treatment monitoring (follicle tracking) for ovulation induction and IVF/ICSI treatment cycles, and endometrial assessment for frozen replacement treatment cycles. We also accept referrals for pregnancy scans following successful fertility treatment. 

What Pregnancy Ultrasound Scans are available at ROC?

Early Pregnancy Scans

Provided we have the relevant clinical indication or referral, we offer the following diagnostic ultrasound scans:

  • Early Pregnancy Ultrasound is provided for viability only (not anomaly screening) and can be performed from 6-12 completed weeks of pregnancy

  • Baseline ultrasound scans prior to commencing fertility treatment 
  • Follicle tracking scans for Fertility/IVF patients 
  • Endometrial assessment scans for frozen replacement cycles 
  • Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) scans (10-11 weeks) – Book Now! 

At ROC Clinic Aberdeen, Ultrasound services are available Monday, Wednesday & Friday (8-12), and in the event of an urgent referral, can provide flexibility of days/times. Please call our team on 01224 515 254 to find a date and time convenient for you.

Why Book a Pregnancy Ultrasound Scan at ROC?

• Rapid Access Mon, Wed, Fri

• Same Day Reports/Images to your inbox

• State of Art Premises and Facilities

Early Pregnancy

We understand this can be an exciting but also anxious; especially first-time parents, and that you will have many questions. We have therefore provided information on frequently asked questions, but please get in touch if you require additional information. 

What is non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)?

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) is a blood test and can be performed anytime from 10 completed weeks of pregnancy and is provided in the form of the NIPT by TDL test (formerly known as the Harmony test). NIPT by TDL is an accurate way of investigating the chance of your baby having a chromosomal anomaly. This blood test do not definitively diagnose all chromosomal anomalies but rather assess the category of risk for various conditions. There are two main types of NIPT – Nuchal Translucency Screening, and NIPT by TDL, which we offer from 10 weeks of pregnancy, and estimates the risk of your baby having Down syndrome (Trisomy 21), Edward’s syndrome (Trisomy 18) or Patau syndrome (Trisomy 13). Chromosomes are normally located in pairs. Each human body cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes plus 2 sex chromosomes (46 XX – female; 46 XY – male). Trisomy means there is an extra chromosome, resulting in fetal anomaly. The NIPT by TDL test differs from traditional screening for chromosome abnormalities, such as the Combined Test and the Quadruple Test because it analyses the baby’s DNA rather than ultrasound features and/or hormone levels in the blood. This means the NIPT by TDL test is more accurate than these traditional tests for estimating the risk of a baby being affected by Down, Edward’s or Patau syndrome. 


NIPT Results are reported within 4 working days

A sample of blood is taken from you, in the exact same way as routine bloods are taken, and the baby’s DNA is identified in that blood sample. This sample of DNA is then analysed for certain genetic anomalies, and these results combined with measurements from your early pregnancy ultrasound scan.

  • Trisomy 21 is the most common trisomy at the time of birth. Also called Down syndrome, it is associated with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities and may also lead to digestive disease, congenital heart defects and other malformations.
  • Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) and Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) are associated with an increased risk of miscarriage. These babies are born with severe brain abnormalities and often have congenital heart defects in addition to other birth defects. Babies affected by these conditions rarely survive after birth, and very few survive beyond the first year of life.
  • Sex chromosome conditions occur when there is a missing, extra, or incomplete copy of the X or Y chromosomes. The NIPT test with sex chromosome aneuploidy panel option can assess risk for XXX, XYY, XXY (Klinefelter syndrome), and a missing X chromosome in a girl (Turner syndrome). 

The Harmony test is more accurate than traditional screening tests and can be performed any time after 10 weeks of pregnancy.

As this test analyses the DNA of your baby, it will also give confirmation of the sex of the baby – which can be provided to you should you wish to know. Should you not wish to know the sex, you do not have to consent to this part of the test. For more detailed information, please see the following link: Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) | The Doctors Laboratory (

Confirming the sex of your baby

As this test analyses the DNA of your baby, it will also give confirmation of the sex of the baby – which can be provided to you should you wish to know. Should you not wish to know the sex, you do not have to consent to this part of the test. For more detailed information about NIPT by TDL, please see the following link: Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) | The Doctors Laboratory (

What to expect when attending for your baby scan?

You will be greeted by our friendly Front of House team before meeting our Consultant Midwife & Fertility Specialist for your ultrasound scan. This process usually takes around 20 minutes. 

Pregnancy scans up to 9 weeks are usually performed internally (trans-vaginal ultrasound) and require an empty bladder which allows for better imaging of your pregnancy. The scan is not painful and may cause minimal discomfort only. However, we can provide abdominal pregnancy scans from 10 weeks, which require a full bladder. If ultrasound views are not clear abdominally, we may advise internal scan at the same appointment, which would require emptying your bladder. 

If you have requested non-invasive pre-natal screening, we allow for any questions you have prior to having the blood test, in addition to the purpose, timing, and implications of results. 

When will I get the results?

Within a few hours of your scan, you will receive and email with instructions on how to download your images to either PC or Laptop. 

If you have consented to a genetic screening test, you will receive results 5-7 days later via email. Should you wish to discuss your test results, you can book an appointment with one of our Fertility Specialists or GPs. 

How early can I request a Pregnancy Scan?

If you have regular menstrual cycles (28-32 days), you can request a pregnancy scan at 6 weeks (this is calculated from the first day of bleeding in your last menstrual cycle). Given structures of pregnancy are incredibly small at this stage, internal (transvaginal ultrasound) with an empty bladder provides clear views of the uterus (womb) with the aim of identifying and assessing early fetal development: gestational sac, yolk sac (which nourishes the baby until the placenta has fully developed), fetal heart and crown rump length (CRL) which is the measurement of your developing baby and measures around 6mm at this stage. Between 8-9 weeks, your baby should be around 16mm in length, when the head, body, arms and legs can be clearly seen on ultrasound. 

What if I need to see a doctor before or after a Pregnancy Scan?

Should you require a consultation with one of our doctors, our experienced GPs have daily appointments available, who work closely with a team of Obstetricians, should expert advice be required. 


If you would like further information before booking an appointment, please contact our Team at ROC Clinic; alternatively, call us at 01224 515254

Our reviews - What our patients say

J., 2024
Google Review
I got a same-day appointment with Dr Dele-salawu on 14th October. She was very knowledgeable and attentive, she allowed me to tell her the details of my concerns and arranged appropriately for urgent tests. I was very pleased with the whole experience.
P., 2024
Google Review
Attended this clinic for minor surgery and was very impressed indeed. Dr Sathis Wijemanne was exceptionally professional and explained in detail what to expect from the procedure. He was patient and put me at ease right away. The nurse and reception staff were very welcoming and friendly. I highly recommend this clinic.
R., 2024
Google Review
I found the ROC clinic in Aberdeen to be excellent. All appointments were offered quickly, the staff were welcoming and professional and the location was ideal, with great parking. I found the level of customer care to be first class and any medical results/reports were produced fast and efficiently. Would highly recommend this clinic.