The most common New Year’s resolutions (and how ROC can help you achieve them)

The most common New Year’s resolutions (and how ROC can help you achieve them)

Love or loathe New Year’s resolutions, every year around 70% of people will make them. The other well-known fact is that the majority also won’t stick to them.

Statistics have recurrently shown the top resolutions to include:

  • Losing weight (or getting in shape)
  • Eating more healthily
  • Having more sex
  • Quitting smoking


Whilst these may not be a surprise, they can sometimes be difficult to achieve or maintain. Our busy lifestyles will often get in the way at some point and our well meaning intentions can fall by the way-side.

That said, all of the above are achievable and a helping guiding hand along the way is often what makes the greatest difference.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Although we may commence January full of drive and positivity, we are creatures of habit and often will fall back into the same routines and patterns by the time February comes around.

Throw in the cold gloomy weather and post-festivity slump, and it is no surprise that we don’t see the results we hoped for.

However, we know from studies and statistics that we are more likely to make a change and stick to it if we are supported in doing so.


We can help you achieve your New Year health goals:

There are several ways that ROC can help and support you in achieving your health goals.

Our top recommendations include:


(1)Start the year off with a thorough Well Man / Well Woman health check

21st-century medicine is a long way ahead of the type of medicine we used to focus on in past generations. From a focus on finding cures, to a focus that is so much more about disease prevention and health promotion.

A health check can pick up conditions early, before they become more difficult to treat and also highlight if there is any need for changes to your lifestyle (for example if you need to reduce your cholesterol levels, blood sugar or blood pressure.)

We also can check your heart age using our very popular Angiodefender, an excellent device that we are unique in the UK to have on site.


(2)    Have a professional assessment of your diet

Many of us believe we know what is a good and healthy balanced diet but what we don’t always know is how best to tailor such diets to our unique selves.

Most diets out there are not suitable or fit for purpose and they’re certainly not a ‘one size fits all’. The best diet is not just a healthy one but one that works for you as an individual and suits your lifestyle (and family) too.

At ROC we have some wonderful dieticians, and if you’ve been pondering the best way to kickstart your healthy new year ahead – concentrating on the food you use to fuel your body is a great place to start.


(3)   We can help you have more sex

The truth is that a healthy sex life is important and often a variety of health conditions can get in the way.

There are many reasons why people might feel they are not having enough sex. This includes psychological causes and physical health problems too, as well as the impact of medication.

We are able to give you the proper amount of time to discuss any sex-related concerns, examine and investigate as appropriate and refer on to excellent consultants and allied health professionals as needed.

At ROC we also run an erectile dysfunction clinic, male menopause clinic and female menopause clinic.


(4)   Quitting smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the best things anyone can do for their health and studies have recurrently shown that the process is made easier with the support of a healthcare professional.

Our dedicated smoking cessation clinic is available in our London and Aberdeen Clinics.

We wish you a happy and healthy New Year!

ROC wishes all of our patients, followers and colleagues a wonderful year ahead!

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