The genomic revolution is underway. But what does it mean for you?

DNA sequencing has transformed how people look after their health: personalized assessments, targeted screening – as you will know from your DNA what health problems you are predisposed to!

This is Precision and is 21st Century Medicine.

At present, most of the healthcare and health screening packages are focused around traditional tools targeting specific areas of your body for which evidence shows there is a benefit: Breast cancer screening, Bowel Cancer Screening, Cardiovascular Assessments, Cervical Cancer Screening etc.

But it is not uncommon that patients may develop conditions despite traditional screening, or conditions that they haven’t been screened for.

Would you want to know whether you are predisposed to Dementia? Multiple Sclerosis?

Would you want to know which medications would work best for you and not for the majority?

Would you want to know which diet is most suitable to you?

Would you want to know which type of fitness you will excel at?

Of course, genetics does not cause all the diseases; we do not know everything. But genomics takes you as close as possible to personalized preventative healthcare.

DNA Sequencing coming soon at ROC. Would you be interested? Let us know your views!

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