
April is upon us once more, bringing Stress Awareness Month, but what is stress and how can we manage it so that it doesn’t affect how we live our lives?   Stress We have all experienced stress at some time, but what is it and why does it happen? Stress is defined as the body’s response […]

Endometriosis test: what is it and how can it be of a benefit to you?

Endometriosis test, also called EndoTest, is a new technology that is used to treat endometriosis. It is based on gene sequencing and the use of artificial intelligence. It works by detecting endometriosis by sequencing microRNA through New Generation Sequencing.

How do men feel about hair loss?

It’s hard to feel like yourself when you’re going through something as life-changing as hair loss. As men age, they can experience a number of changes in their appearance and overall health. However, there are a few things men tend not to talk about or think about – like their hair loss! It’s important for […]

The midlife health checks you should never skip

We’ve all heard the adage that “prevention is the best medicine.” In fact, it’s so true that one of the most important things you can do for your health is to get regular check-ups. You might think it’s too early for a midlife health check-up, but the truth is that this time of life offers […]

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

This March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month, so let’s talk about ovarian cancer. With around 7,500 women diagnosed each year with ovarian cancer, it is now recognised as the sixth most common cancer found in women.  Ovarian cancer affects the ovaries and fallopian tubes when normal cells mutate and multiply in an uncontrolled way forming […]

Decrease in sperm counts globally – what does it mean for you?

Sperm counts are on the decline globally. Researchers attribute the decrease to a variety of factors, including endocrine-disrupting chemicals, higher testosterone levels and obesity. Couples trying to conceive should first try lifestyle changes before seeking fertility treatments. A man’s sperm count is the number of sperm in his ejaculate. A low sperm count can make […]

Understanding testicular cancer and why men should not be shy to get tested early

Testicular cancer is a curable malignancy that affects men between the ages of 15 and 34. It is one of the most common cancers in young men, but it is also highly treatable. Testicular cancer accounts for about 1% of all cancers diagnosed in men each year. The American Cancer Society estimates that there will […]

Is testosterone a supplementation part of the HRT treatment?

Testosterone is often perceived as a male only hormone, but scientists have shown that nothing can be further from the truth. Testosterone is produced in ovaries as well as adrenal glands and is often associated with our sex drive and libido levels. Additionally, it is responsible for regulating mood and supporting the health of female […]

Festive Spirit

‘Tis the season to be jolly…. well, we all know that means the endless round of parties and lunches with copious amounts of rich food and alcohol. And it is easy to overdo both. Whilst food can cause its own health issues, alcohol can cause lasting damage to your physical and to your mental health. […]

Winter Health

The temperature has started to drop, and the woolens are being pulled from their summer resting place as the last of the leaves fall from the trees, and Winter creeps in. A time of dark mornings and darker nights, of scraping frost from your windscreen or standing huddled in your wellies and fleecy coat waiting […]