MOVEMBER – Men’s Health Awareness Month

Hello Movember! It’s that time of year again when men stop shaving and resemble their Edwardian forbearers. From a jovial chat between two Australian friends about bringing the moustache back into fashion while raising a few bucks to fight prostate cancer, to the global phenomenon it is now, Movember. is the time when the spotlight […]

Mental Health: A post-pandemic crisis

The mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been well documented. Fear, worry, and stress are normal responses to the unknown or uncertain situations. During the Covid-19 pandemic people had to adapt to new ways of living, restricted movement, isolation, and lack of physical contact with their loved ones. So, it is normal and […]

Sleep and Mental Health

What is the relationship between sleep and mental health? Sleep accounts for approximately a third of our lives and facilitates very important psychophysiological processes necessary for brain function and good mental health. Decades of research have demonstrated that medicine of sleep disorders and mental disorders are related in numerous ways. Neuroimaging and neurochemistry studies demonstrate […]

Male mental health and Suicide

No one is born wanting to die. Unfortunately, the stigma attached to mental health issues remains prohibitively real for men – and ‘young’ men in particular. Mental Health and Suicide Figures: Time for some hard-hitting stats: Despite the highest rates of suicide occurring in the over 65’s, suicide is the single biggest killer of men […]

The Buzz of Mindfulness

The term mindfulness seems to be being mentioned everywhere for the past few years. There is a buzz about this that seems to have taken on an ‘of the moment’ feel. Yet its roots have been around for centuries. While it is in the fashion, as with all ‘fad’ therapies, I think it’s important to […]