Regular Health Screening – Early Detection Prevents Heartache

Most people do not start a health screening programme in their lives until something happens, a symptom develops, a cancer scare, a heart attack or a friend or relative gets a serious illness or dies. So why do people do not undertake regular health checks, whilst will readily pay for their cars, machinery, equipment to […]

If your hands and feet are cold it could be Raynaud’s

  Raynaud’s phenomenon is a common condition thought to affect up to ten million people in the UK. In Raynaud’s – the small blood vessels in your extremities (such as hands and feet, fingers or toes) are over-sensitive to even the slightest changes in temperature, the cold and stress. This causes a Raynaud’s attack where […]

What to Expect During an Allergy Consultation at ROC

Initially, a detailed history is taken about allergic symptoms, other illnesses, the environment and possible triggers, to give the doctor an understanding of your situation and to guide the testing to follow. The doctor is also happy to review letters/results from other sources. If necessary, a physical examination can take place, in particular assessing the […]

Everything you need to know about genital herpes

There is a lot of misinformation and scaremongering out there when it comes to genital herpes. There also is too little emphasis on the importance of this sexually transmitted infection. Genital herpes is important because not only is it one of the more uncomfortable sexually transmitted infections, causing genital pain and difficulty urinating, but also […]

The most common New Year’s resolutions (and how ROC can help you achieve them)

Love or loathe New Year’s resolutions, every year around 70% of people will make them. The other well-known fact is that the majority also won’t stick to them. Statistics have recurrently shown the top resolutions to include: Losing weight (or getting in shape) Eating more healthily Having more sex Quitting smoking   Whilst these may […]

Avoiding Holiday Heart Syndrome this Christmas

A term coined in the late 1970’s, Holiday Heart Syndrome (HHS) refers to a group of conditions that appear to increase and land people in hospital over the Christmas holiday period. Statistically speaking there are more cardiac related deaths around Christmas week than at any other time in the year and although cold weather can […]

Does cannabis help with sleep?

Cannabis Sativa is a commonly used plant which contains over 100 different phytocannabinoids.  The two most pharmacologically active cannabinoids are:   Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): this is a primary psychoactive ingredient of cannabis that causes many of the feelings of being high.   Cannabidiol (CBD): this is a non-psychoactive compound, meaning that it does not induce the […]

New shingles vaccine available at ROC!

What is Shingles? Shingles is a severely painful skin rash that can only occur in those that have previously had chickenpox. The chickenpox virus stays asleep in the body around the spine until something weakens your immune system such as steroids / chemotherapy / advancing age / chronic stress etc. Shingles (also called herpes zoster) […]

The Nail Cosmetics Allergy Epidemics: How can Nail Varnish harm you?

Earlier in the year the British Association of Dermatologists warned over an epidemic of contact allergies stemming from use of nail varnishes and gels. Whilst having attractive looking nails, have you ever wondered what is causing that rash on your face?   What is Allergic Contact Dermatitis? Allergic Contact Dermatitis is a form of eczema […]

Male mental health and Suicide

No one is born wanting to die. Unfortunately, the stigma attached to mental health issues remains prohibitively real for men – and ‘young’ men in particular. Mental Health and Suicide Figures: Time for some hard-hitting stats: Despite the highest rates of suicide occurring in the over 65’s, suicide is the single biggest killer of men […]