Prep HIV: Pre Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Negative Patients
If you are a gay man in London, you are likely to have heard about PrEP and the widespread use as pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in the USA. With the results of the PROUD study due out early next year, we are now happy to offer PrEP in our clinic. The 26th annual World Aids […]
Oil Fish And Omega 3- Right amount?
As people are becoming more and more health conscious, nutrition and supplementation are often topics that come up during GP consultations. “So what about oil fish – how much and how often?” they will ask. Well, for a start, fish is a good source of protein and, relative to other protein foods such as red […]
A GP’s experience of Laser Eye Surgery
Don’t get me wrong – I really loved my glasses, especially as it took me about 15 years to find the perfect pair. But it was the hassle factor I didn’t like e.g. going to the gym – do I waste a pair of contact lenses for only an hour’s use or sweat it out […]