Unsightly varicose veins are a common long-term condition affecting women and men. They usually occur in the legs or feet, but can happen anywhere.

They often run in families and are made worse by pregnancy, and doing a lot of standing. Sometimes weaknesses in the walls of the superficial veins cause them to enlarge, resulting in a build-up of pressure which bulges out as varicose veins. Multiple pregnancies, being overweight, having a family history of varicose veins all make it more likely that they won’t go away. 

At ROC we now offer a One-Stop Assessment service to accurately diagnose and identify the right treatment plan for your symptoms. Top Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Mr Paul Bachoo is welcoming self-pay or insured patients at our modern clinic in Westhill, Aberdeen. 

This new One-Stop Assessment with Mr Bachoo provides patients with;

  • Consultation and physical examination
  • Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) test – this compares blood pressure in the limbs
  • Doppler ultrasound scan

All in one session at our new state of the art clinic. 

You do not need a doctor’s referral to book our One-Stop Vascular service. Simply fill in the form, or call us on 01224 515 254 to speak with our team.

There are several things you can do to help with the swelling of varicose veins:

  • Exercise daily
  • Keep your feet up as much as possible
  • Avoid sitting or standing for prolonged periods
  • Wear compression stockings
  • Lose weight
  • Avoid crossing your legs when sitting

However, most of these actions won’t not make the varicose veins go away, so you may wish to consider a permanent treatment such as sealing the veins. The most advanced techniques involve one injection, last less than one hour and you will return to your usual activities immediately. Some traditional treatments such as a laser, radio ablation and sclerotherapy are being replaced by more modern techniques, with fewer side effects and quicker recovery rates.

Our Vascular Assessment Service is here to help to establish the right treatment path for you – quickly and conveniently.

This service is part of our wider Well Person Checks. These extensive wellbeing programmes address all of your physical and emotional concerns, and are individually tailored for each patient. 

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