Testicular Cancer

Which is bigger? I don’t mean to pry, but I’m curious to know whether you know – which is it – left or right? And which hangs lower? Oval-shaped, yes/no? Like mini-rugby balls? But do they hang upright, or lie to one side? Have they changed recently? How well do you really know yourself? Testicles. […]

Routine lung cancer screening for smokers saves lives

Lung cancer is the third most common cancer in the UK and smoking accounts for over 85% of cases.1 Three quarters of those diagnosed with lung cancer will receive the devastating diagnosis at a late stage of their disease, meaning it is harder to treat and unlikely to be cured. The stage of a cancer […]

Are you anxious about the flu shot?

A recent survey has shown that a large number of parents are very sceptical about giving the flu vaccine to their children. Fears included: More than 50% think the flu shot can give you the flu A third don’t think the vaccine works A third think the flu vaccine is a conspiracy 28% are worried […]

Moles, Melanoma and Mole Mapping

  What are moles? Moles are localised areas in the skin that contain more of the pigment melanin. No one quite knows why we get moles. Dermatologists use the term melanocytic naevi to describe moles. Most moles are round or oval, flat and brown in colour. But when you look closely, there are differences in […]

Ovarian Cancer – Ignoring symptoms isn’t an option. Screening is.

Screening for certain female specific cancers may seem routine in the UK where we have regular breast screening for breast cancer and smear tests for cervical cancer, however there is one female cancer that we do not screen for, frequently labelled a silent killer – the ovarian cancer.  Ovarian cancer is rare, but is the […]

Nutrition and Pregnancy

  A pregnant woman’s nutrition influences the growth and development of her foetus and forms the foundations for the child’s health. A healthy diet is important for both mother and baby throughout pregnancy because this will help them to get the nutrients they need to stay healthy and for the baby to grow and develop. […]

On a quest for the perfect vagina

On a quest for the perfect vagina With documented high rates of dissatisfaction when it comes to genital appearance, both women and men are increasingly seeking ways to improve or perfect their genitalia. From labial surgery (either for cosmetic procedures or functional concerns) through to laser devices inserted vaginally and even “The O-Shot” (injecting the […]

Pros and Cons of Treating the Male Menopause

“The Male Menopause?” Yes. It’s a thing.   Of all the male hormones – or androgens – nearly all clinicians would agree that testosterone is both the most important, and most potent. The term ‘androgen’ derives from the ancient Greek words for ‘man-maker’, and healthy levels of testosterone do indeed have the power to make […]

Great news in the fight against HPV in the UK

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of very common viral infections that affect your skin and the moist membranes lining your body. There are over 130 strains; some of which cause no visible symptoms; through to simple hand warts or verrucas; through to the sexually-transmitted infection genital warts; but some high-risk strains can cause a […]

Gynaecological ultrasound: The ins and outs of pelvic ultrasound

A pelvic ultrasound allows the visualisation of your pelvic organs and structures including the uterus, lining (endometrium), ovaries, cervix and the fallopian tubes. Doppler ultrasound may also show blood flow in certain pelvic organs. Ultrasound uses a special type of camera (transducer) that emits sound waves that reflect off the organs and return back to […]