Weight loss and Wellness – Patients and Doctors alike

Healthy weight loss is not just about dieting or special dieting programs. It is about changing your lifestyle and including long-term changes in your daily eating and exercise habits. But what is considered a real goal of weight loss? Obesity comes with multiple health complications and by reducing excess body fat, people are able to […]

Did you know that your poop can hold a secret to long life?

The human gut microbiome is essential to human health. But what is meant by the gut microbiome? The human body harbours ecosystems of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and archaea which together with their genomic potential and collective repertoire of activity can be known as the microbiome. In today’s busy world there are many […]

MOVEMBER – Men’s Health Awareness Month

Hello Movember! It’s that time of year again when men stop shaving and resemble their Edwardian forbearers. From a jovial chat between two Australian friends about bringing the moustache back into fashion while raising a few bucks to fight prostate cancer, to the global phenomenon it is now, Movember. is the time when the spotlight […]

Alcohol Addiction: ‘A pandemic within a pandemic’

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many people’s lives and their mental health was affected greatly. The isolation and poor mental health have led to an abuse of alcohol, and it has resulted in alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction, also know as alcoholism, is a disease that affects people of all ages. Scientists have tried to understand […]

Women’s Health in The Workplace

You may have heard the phrase, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”, taken from the book by the same name, but what you may not all realise is that it’s pretty accurate. Men and women are both human creatures however, they remain unique and diverse in so many ways. Certainly, basic needs are […]

Protecting Your Pelvic Floor

How a good assessment can make a difference? Having a pelvic floor assessment can sometimes feel intimidating to patients, however, it is an important part of the journey to pelvic floor health. It is the only way to assess the strength of the pelvic floor and to ascertain that the muscles are contracting properly. Women […]

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

As we continue to wend our way into Autumn, October 1st 2022, heralds the start of Breast Cancer Awareness month in the United Kingdom. According to Breast Cancer Now.org, every year in the UK approximately 55,000 women and 370 men are diagnosed with breast cancer (1). In this month alone almost 5,000 new cases will […]

Flu Season

With the end of Summer and the sudden chill in the morning air, it is inevitable that our thoughts turn to Winter health needs, more specifically the flu! So, let’s talk more about the flu or influenza, to give it its proper name. What is the flu? Influenza or the flu, (as we will call it) is […]

Mental Health: A post-pandemic crisis

The mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been well documented. Fear, worry, and stress are normal responses to the unknown or uncertain situations. During the Covid-19 pandemic people had to adapt to new ways of living, restricted movement, isolation, and lack of physical contact with their loved ones. So, it is normal and […]

Sexual Health – the rise in the popularity of Anal Sex leads to more health problems for women

Recent research indicates a rise in popularity of anal sex; with this increase, more health problems have been reported, especially in women. Medical professionals in the UK have noticed that women are suffering injury and other health complications from this increased sexual activity. This article explores the injuries and health concerns that may result from […]