Cervical Cancer Screening Update
What’s new in Cervical Cancer Screening! Back in February 2019 we described how the national cervical cancer screening programme was moving away from traditional smear tests to a slightly different method of testing – testing for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Following on from this, a self-sampling kit for HPV testing has now become […]
It is coming: Nutritional Psychiatry. How modern mental health approaches miss on the essential: our diet
“Healthy Mind in Healthy Body” was a literary quote going around late first and second century AD.Therefore, the concept isn’t new at all. Perhaps in the run after evidence-based medicine, where the benefit of any traditional remedy or approach got challenged, overturned or minimised due to lack of ‘evidence’, doctors focused exclusively on medication as […]
Bodystat for Body Composition Evaluation
Whether it is part of a medical or a measure of fitness, Bodystat is the most reliable, accurate and portable Bio-electrical Impedance analysis (BIA) device to deliver your body composition measurements (fat, muscle, and cellular fluid distribution). Bioelectrical impedance analysis has replaced skin fold determination as the main tool to clinically evaluate body composition.Typical BIA […]
The Challenges of Menopause and HRT in 2020
We Have Come A Long Way… The use of HRT has had various highs and lows over the 25 years since Dr Johnston started practicing in the menopause field. Within the last few years, people have felt freer and more able to speaking publicly about menopause. In particular, the celebrities Lorraine Kelly, Andrea MacLean from […]
What are the latest treatments for hay fever?
With hay fever season fast approaching, I wanted to review this condition and discuss avoidance strategies as well as seeing what common treatment options are available as well as some of the newer options. Allergic to hay? The old nickname of hay fever was coined because symptoms would occur during the hay harvest from May […]
House Dust Mite Allergy – the hidden allergen in your home!
Do you wake up in the morning feeling puffy eyed, runny nose, catarrh, sneezing, coughing or wheezing? Is your eczema or asthma out of control in the winter months once the heating has been switched on? Then you could have House Dust Mite (HDM) allergy. What’s the allergen? HDMs are microscopic creatures that live in […]
Let’s look at our poo! Microbiome as a source of health or misery.
Welcome to the new frontier of medicine. It may surprise you to know that you are made up of more bugs than human cells! We have a 100 trillion bugs living in our gut. This is 10 times more than the number of body cells you have in total. These bugs are referred to as […]
Anal Cancer – Presentation, Risk factors and Prevention
Anal Cancer – Presentation, Risk Factors and Prevention Symptoms Patients with Anal cancer may exhibit: Bleeding from lower passage. Pain, itch or feeling of fullness in the area of the anus A mass or growth in the anal canal A discharge of mucus from the anus Loss of bowel control Risk factors Several factors have […]
World Aids Day 2019
Since 1988, World AIDS Day has been on the 1st of December, to raise awareness about the disease caused by the spread of HIV infection. What is HIV? This stands for the human immunodeficiency virus which targets and destroys cells from our immune system (CD4 cells) which are needed to help the body respond to […]
Long term pelvic pain in men- could it be prostatitis?
Movember tradition has raised awareness of men’s health and concerns. This has historically been a tricky area for men to discuss and consult on. Breaking through these barriers and raising awareness will improve early diagnosis and better management. A common condition that we see in General practice is Prostatitis, which is inflammation of the prostate. […]